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4 Ways VapeWorld is Going Green

Every day is Earth Day. At least, to us it is!  So how eco-friendly is VapeWorld really? Check out some of the ways we are going green!

Each and every day, we attempt to do our part in reducing our carbon footprint. Here are some of the ways we make that happen:

  • We Use Reusable Dishware - You will not find any paper plates or plastic cups here! Our office is thoroughly stocked with ample ceramic dishes, coffee cups and silverware.

  • We Recycle - We're absolutely crazy about making sure everything that's recyclable actually gets thrown in the right bin! We're always watching and we are not afraid to call anyone out. Always. Watching.

  • We Cut Down on Our Paper Consumption - Our bathrooms come equipped with hand dryers to reduce the amount of paper products that we use each day. It may not be the quickest option, but with as many employees as we have, we are saving multiple rolls of paper towels - per day!

  • We're Energy Efficient -  One of the greatest wastes of electricity is leaving lights on in an empty room. It's super easy to forget, so it's more suitable to have lights that automatically turn off when the last person has left the room. We've got motion-sensing lights all over our office!

How does your office compare? Do you have any unique ways your workplace is reducing their carbon footprint? Let us know, we're always looking for more ways to go green!
